St Elizabeth

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

in the Archdiocese of Portland Oregon

office (503) 222-2168
4112 SW Sixth Ave Dr
Portland, OR 97239


We are updating the parish photo directory.  We are doing it as a volunteer effort using desktop publishing, so there are no outside companies involved.  You can select what information is included when we do the annual parish census (address) check in October.  We are targeting collecting data for a month and trying to be done by the Easter timeframe.  We plan on doing a simple local color printing and will ask for a donation to cover the costs.  

The hard part is getting pictures collected, so we need to get started.   We can take your picture after mass (starting today), or you can send a photo in by email (, or drop off an existing photo (with your name) and we will scan it and return it, or we can just use the old parish directory photo.  You decide and we will include it in the directory.  Let’s start with the photos today!  Get them after mass, next week, or send something in. 

 If you have questions or want to help (photograph, computer, or organization) contact Mark Myers ( or 503-244-3555).